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عزيزى الزائر هذه الرسالة تفيد أنك غير مسجل فى المنتدى وندعو لك بتصفح سعيد فى المنتدى كما نتمنى مشاركتنا بآرائك ومقترحاتك لتطوير المنتدى هذا بالاضافة الى تشريفنا بستجيلك معنا لتكن استفادتك اكبر واكثر عمقا
دكتور / إسماعيل عبد المالك محمد إسماعيل
عزيزى الزائر هذه الرسالة تفيد أنك غير مسجل فى المنتدى وندعو لك بتصفح سعيد فى المنتدى كما نتمنى مشاركتنا بآرائك ومقترحاتك لتطوير المنتدى هذا بالاضافة الى تشريفنا بستجيلك معنا لتكن استفادتك اكبر واكثر عمقا
دكتور / إسماعيل عبد المالك محمد إسماعيل
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

دكتور / إسماعيل عبد المالك محمد إسماعيل

رسائل وأبحاث ومقالات علمية, شعر وخواطر وقصص قصيرة , مقالات أدبية , جمعية خريجى المعهد العالى للتعاون الزراعى, دكتور اسماعيل عبد المالك
الرئيسيةالمستخلص باللغة الانجليزية I_icon_mini_portalأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 المستخلص باللغة الانجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Dr Esmaiel Abdel Malek
Dr Esmaiel Abdel Malek

عدد المساهمات : 261
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/01/2011

المستخلص باللغة الانجليزية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: المستخلص باللغة الانجليزية   المستخلص باللغة الانجليزية Icon_minitimeالإثنين فبراير 06, 2012 5:26 pm


Modern society is considered as society of organizations and institutions, which achieve important roles and functions to individuals, groups and communities in all fields and activities. Human are founders of such organizations and main target at the same time, therefore these organizations are channels to fulfill human objectives.
Organizations differ from governmental ones that are managed and sponsored by the state, to non-governmental ones that fulfill needs and desires – unsatisfied by governmental organizations - of communities' individuals.
Historically, the development role of Egyptian non-governmental organizations has been related oppositely with the developmental role of governmental organizations, as whenever this role becomes weak or undesired, NGOs merge to remedy such weakness.
Meaning, that NGOs play an important role in fulfilling community needs. Therefore, the recent study focuses on some factors affecting the efficiency of community development associations (CDAs) - as one of active organizations in rural Egypt.
These CDAs play an important role in the development context in general and rural development in particular. Unfortunately, some CDAs failed while others succeed in achieving that role, which is due to efficiency degree of each one and factors affecting it.
Accordingly, the previous research problem can be interpreted to the following objectives: measuring the efficiency degree of CDAs in studied area, determining the most important factors affecting the efficiency degree of CDAs, determining the problems facing these CDAs and finally determining CDAs techniques in facing such problems.
To achieve the previous objectives, the study's plan was divided to two parts: first; review of literature that include some theoretical review of organizations efficiency, concepts, organizations targeting rural Egypt, CDAs role in improving rural community, previous studies, concepts of studied independent variables (CDAs age, no. of governmental organizations cooperating with CDAs, no. of NGOs, clearness of organizational frame, clearness of objectives, communication degree within the organization, coordination degree, members' training level, interference degree of supervision bodies, relationships among members and functional satisfaction degree).
Whereas, efficiency as dependent variable includes three aspects: CDAs ability to mobilize resources, CDAs ability to utilize such resources and their contribution degree in rural development.
Accordingly, the hypothesis were formulated in thirteen (13) statistical hypothesis, besides field study techniques to test such hypothesis.
The second part of the study was the field study which included: sample (urban and border governorates were excluded), an urban – rural scale was formed including various aspects: rurality ratio within each governorate, cultivated area, no. of studied CDAs and no. of agriculture labor. Though, Dakhlia governorate was chosen – medium rurality –"Mansoura", "Dekerness" and "Al-Manzalah" districts (markazes) were chosen on the same basis.
The study was conducted on (40) CDAs, (40) head of board of council and (160) board of council members (4 members representing each CDA) were chosen, besides (330) interviewees benefiting from these CDAs.
Data were collected using personal interview questionnaire during (March-Mid May 2004). The following statistical methods were used: arithmetic mean, range, standard deviation, percentages, standardized scores, chi-square, correction coefficient and Tchuprow coefficient.
The study's results revealed the following:
1. The efficiency degree of 30% of total studied CDAs was low, 52.5% were medium and 17.5% were high.
2. There was a significant relationship at 0.01 between the following variables: {CDAs objectives clearness, coordination degree, members training level, interference degree of supervision bodies, relationships among members and functional satisfaction degree} and organizational efficiency degree.
3. There was a significant relationship at 0.05 between clearness degree of organization frame and organizational efficiency.
4. No significant relationship was found between the following variables: {CDAs age, no. of cooperated governmental organizations with these CDAs, no. of cooperated NGOs, communication degree within CDAS, adaptation degree, members experience level} and organizational efficiency degree.
5. The problems and obstacles facing CDAs -from members point of view- results indicated the following: unavailability of facilities needed to conduct services and projects, unavailability of technical and managerial staff, lack of financial resources, lack of people's awareness upon participation, interference from other bodies in CDAs work, weak interest in voluntary work, lack of coordination between CDAs and official bodies, unavailability of qualified staff, restricting board of council by supervision bodies, lack of halls, rooms and furniture, insufficient training provided for members CDAs board of council.
6. As for the most important problems and obstacles facing CDAs from beneficiaries point of view, the results indicated the following: inappropriate timing when providing services, far distance of CDAs, lack of people's awareness upon importance of voluntary work, weak interest in provided services, irrelevant provided services with people's needs, lack of awareness of facilities provided to people and members, lack of CDAs abilities in solving unemployment problem and lack of qualified specialists in each activity.
7. The most important techniques used by CDAs to overcome such problems from members point of view were: providing needed support to establish projects and services, increase no. of training courses, increase donations and aids, increase people's awareness upon participation importance, continuous declaration upon CDAs objectives, limiting the continuous interference of official bodies, coordination between CDAs and other organizations, provide computers, conduct meetings and seminars to urge people upon voluntary work and extending board of council jurisdictions.
8. Finally, results showed that the most important techniques used by CDAs to overcome its problems- from beneficiaries point of view were: determine appropriate timing when providing its services, establish CDAs location in middle of the village, increase people's awareness upon importance of voluntary work, continuous declaration upon CDAs objectives, importance of matching CDAs projects with community needs, integrating business men within the board of council, improving CDAs location and continuous awareness through mass media.
The study reached and provided number of recommendations and propositions which can be helpful in increasing CDAs efficiency.

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المستخلص باللغة الانجليزية
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» المستخلص باللغة الانجليزية
» المستخلص باللغة العربية

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